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The Magic of Literature

Loving Literacy Authors

The Loving Literacy Authors are passionate about encouraging children and adults to read for pure pleasure, not just for school or work. We all know adults who don’t read at all, unless they must, or simply don’t enjoy reading. It’s possible they weren’t exposed to fun stories as small children. That’s why we write books to be interesting, enjoyable, and may even contain a life lesson or even open a topic for discussion. This is the magic of literature.


Magic of Literature.

Our assessment of the importance of reading to children isn’t only an opinion, it’s based on several scientific studies of brain development and language learning in very young children. The consensus is that the voice rhythm and cadence of an adult reading aloud has a measurable beneficial effect on toddlers’ brains, even before they can understand the words. This is also true for infants, and even a fetus in utero.

This early introduction evolves into a concept of the marks on a page being connected to stories. This later becomes an awareness that stories can be re-read many times, and shared with everyone. As people grow to adulthood, they will hopefully realize that a concept, an opinion, a request, an explanation or instruction is so much more likely to be received and remembered if it’s in the form of an intriguing story.


Please share your thoughts about the "magic of literature", in a return comment, and we may include your quote in a future Bookin’ It! blog.

Educators you won't want to miss next month's Bookin' It news. The theme: "Back to School" with teacher tips and resources.

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